Friday, April 29, 2011

Lets Point Fingers

Getting married lately seems like looking for a good looking taxi driver with great driving skills. Even better, a clean, smart,handsome taxi driver. It seems unlikely and unreal but if your lucky you might find him/ her. As human beings we want it all, the money, career, perfect partner and eternal happiness. We simply identify that as "THE GOAL". All of those can be achieved or granted but then what?

We've heard of the term sugar daddy's. The rich, powerful, influential, whisky drinking, skirt chasing old men who are young blood thirsty! They sound like fat vampires who trap their prey with money. These men prey on the weakness of young girls have and "provide" which seems like a "mutual agreement". We are so quick to judge these men call them by names! Sugadaddy, Papa Madlesa, Malome ATM, Ministers Of Finance etc. Society has drawn these men as disgusting pigs but I'd rather look at what triggers these men and their new found counter culture. They have made the trophy-young wife the latest gaming console and sex with them, the FIFA 11 game.

A relationship is a two way street, you give to get and get to give. The moment you marry someone, their needs come before yours and vice versa. And that's not a marriage fine print. Now the moment this system has a glitch and we don't report it, its time for certain virus' to attack your motherboard. In this case, the cheater virus would start to attack and fast. The void gets bigger and concisely he/her doesn't care. They do care enough to have meaningless sex with a 1st Year at tertiary and still kiss the wife goodnight. They care to book plane tickets to Mhlanga Rocks with the joint bank account with the wife. They care enough to store her numbers like a business mate. They care enough to make schedules surrounding the wife's whereabouts. And they care enough to sleep in her bed.

As the wife you feel robbed and humiliated when the relationship blows over. You did your part, you did your duties and still got the sour end of the deal. Maybe, just maybe if you didn't get too comfortable and forget his needs before your own he would have to order "take-aways". You didn't attend to him, someone did and he loved it. And I'm pretty sure, her numbers are still in his fone. As a wife, you chose to run with 20yr olds! You can't look young forever but I bet you can try! I don't think silicone boobs look good on a 90 year old! #justsaying

So who is to blame for this hot mess? Do we blame the man ordering take aways? Do we blame the wife for buying shoes instead of his partners attention? Do we blame the big guy who thinks with his lil' head? Or do we blame nobody at all? Its pretty simple, no man goes borrowing sugar if he has sugar diabetes! No man hires a limo to go chesanyama? No man would go to a brothel for a hug! Simply because no man leaves a good thing when he has it at home! Be that good someone for someone!