Sunday, July 24, 2011

When the goin gets addictive

"Drugs are bad, hhmmkay" ... With so much pressure we live in, do we really blame addicts? How do you cope with a great loss? How do you deal with change or even better, How do you deal with the fact that your husband is a cross dresser?

Our lives are so fast paced that we take pills for everything! Headaches, pains, food, stress, metabolism regulation, hair loss, "penis malfunctions", itchy vaginas etc! Why are surprised when human beings become depended on them? Even pills that are suppose to help you with your addiction can end up being your next drug!

When great artists like Tsakani Mahinga aka TK and Amy Winehouse pass away from such events, people don't know how to react! We tweet mean things, say hurtful things and act perfect forgetting a human being has lost their lives and couldn't cope with her/his demons. People who take drugs, well most of them are running away from something, something only them can see and face. When its your time to face your music, its hard to get a dancing partner of the same rhythm.

I'm not saying take drugs because you see demons or you can't cope with your neighbours dog! All I'm saying don't be so quick to judge! You don't know my problems and their roots and you won't understand. Pointing fingers and naming names does nothing to a lost, troubled and hurt soul! It needs love and care! You don't give a blind man a calculator for his birthday or a plasma TV! You give him things that matter to and for him! Put yourself in others shoes before you run your mouth.