Saturday, August 1, 2015

Friday Night to remember ...

What is the most valuable thing to you? Not the tangible things? Please don't mention shoes, bags and play-station. Well, let me school you. Mine is time. I mean if i'm not making money i need to be doing something i like. I value it after 10 years of my youth was stolen by confused girls who don't know back to front but this is not about that, its about something else.

This is a background story based on someone who felt it was OK to get 10 missed calls over a weekend and not say a single word. If i'm your girl and you drive into the woods of Kimberly, the least you owe me is a "Hi BITCH, I'M OK SEE YOU WHEN I'M BACK". I'm not an expert in relationships but i'm pretty sure mutual respect is a must, goes without saying. 

I've been used for my contacts, brilliant ideas (on making money), helping someone making money and none of that bother me. Simply because I've probably did the same to someone else. Unapologetic, i know. The one thing that makes me mad is, using my time and not respecting it. I'm not one to call a guy more than 3 times in a row. If you have 1 missed call, the following ones will not move him. So stop being psycho ladies. 

So i was advised to pen down what happened last, i'm not proud but i'm grateful for the lesson. I agreed to meet someone for a date. Drove from pillar to concrete post only to be stood up. That sh*t hurts but very embarrassing. On my way home i'm thinking. How can one agree to meet and not answer his phone? I'm pretty sure i dialed his number 25 times and my ego was on 0%. I'm a proud young lady, i wait for no one to help me get mine (ghetto translation: i don't wait for help, i make things happen for me).

Let me not paint a one sided canvas, he reached out after this misfortune. Sadly, i couldn't give an Alex rat ass. I've been there, you fail me deeply to be there for me. As stupid and guarded as some could believe. I don't like asking for help, it reduces my chances of a broken heart. So this hurts my ego like hell. My heart is immune to this pain now. I'm not a tin woman but prevention is always better than cure.

This has been one of the most challenging things I've done or posted. Having to be emotional butchered and allow to put yourself into that kind of light, dents ones relationships hopes and "dreams"

I'm over being a doormat and a good-luck chuck.



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