Wednesday, March 21, 2012


They say when you're in the dating scene with someone you really love. The fights are worth it, the boxes of tissues n tubs of ice-cream,looking thru his fone, facebook, twitter even myspace accounts, worth it.

But one thing they don't mention is the time you wanna leave, because your not worth calling someone who never picks up, who makes you cry more instead of laugh more and someone who takes time off his "busy" schedule, to say "Hi, I miss you". I'm not asking for a kidney but a hello.

I'm not gonna lie, kissing frogs to get a prince is just wrong! Who ever believes in kissing a "couple" of frogs to land "Mr Right" needs to be either shot or sterilised. My view in relationships should not be determined by a movie, age, wage, society and a Lil Wayne video. I do want a guy who is taller than me for starters, who has a job, (employment is essential),who is not as crazy as I am but who loves me, for me.

Women are complex, YES! Are we crazy, YES! But our views are similar to the fellas! We want support, loyalty and the *********. Maybe We are too worlds apart but we make magic together! Where is my magic? How long should I wait? Who am I waiting for? If he is reading this, how slow are you?

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