Thursday, July 15, 2010

Say Something or SHUT UP!!!

In the past, well who is counting. Ive went from rock bottom, teary eyes, dissapointing moments, temptation and lastly denial. All of that has changed, for good.

Im the strong friend you know you can lean on, call at 3 am to talk about "i think my man is cheating" an the friend who hides booze cause she has a big bag. Thats me, the team player. Now how do u tell my friend that her man is a creep, a good lying creep?

Im stuck between a rock and a hot place. The Creep has mastered his game to unmentionable perfection. Now as a friend do i step in n say "Ba ho ja direthe" or do i just SHUT UP n wait for all hel to break loose?

My instincts are strongly leaning to "SHUT UP" but my heart says tell her. What if all this drama stays with me? What if im the one who will be in kak? Im not ready for my debut warm klaap encounter.

In most cases like these, one needs to be aware!


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