Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mind Over Heart

"Karma is a bitch", the phrase we hear and use all the time when things go wrong. What we don't realise, Karma teaches you something, not to be repeated. What I've learned from Karma, trending topics can influence people to engage and inspire one another. If your lucky enough, they can help you have a relationship women claim to be "ok" with it.

Sex with no strings attached is mastered by women who can cheat and be in content with it. They know its wrong and they know what's coming for them. We all know how we (women) think we can conquer the world. And yes, we can. But what we cant do, is suppress our feelings for too long. (Your welcome to try).

Having a no strings relationship can be the best thing ever and the worst thing too. For women, it can be both. As much as its a relationship, certain guideline are in place to allow it to run smoothly. You know deep down your a booty call, so when you do get that 3am phone call, don't ask him "What do you want?" He will not send you a good night sms or call to check on how your dad is doing? No, its not a relationship, its an ass-relationship. The purpose of it is to make both parties feel good and be.

So how come this great idea always fails? Two things, women behaving like women and feelings. One can be avoided (depending on ur partner in crime) and one is inevitable. Feelings play a HUGE role and in an instance become the down fall of the relationship. Sometimes they build enough trust to know that good partners are out there. The sad thing is being a woman, you will have those 'I like him' moments. Best thing is to remind yourself what was the initial part of this contract.

Sex for women is emotional and we can and cannot separate the two. The reason we get caught up is because we want to believe our cookie is so good he will eventually want to keep it. We live the present in the future and assuming that's what's gonna happen eventually! Men are not good at reading women's minds and they will never be. That's why we get hurt. Mad at him for not calling you on your birthday. Letting you know he just got engaged. Or, tell you he wants to end it, in a civil manner.

As soon as the words 'its over' hit your emotional mind. You feel betrayed, robbed, used and don't understand WHY??? Its easy, your contract will not be renewed. Have a shed of decency and leave. Be civil, don't be a lunatic and call him to ask him why? Your time has been served, your free. As women we fail to understand why the man I love wants to leave me. Its because, you never told him.

What you can learn is that some man care and some just don't give a rats ass. If their 'happy' that's the end of the road. We (women) hold the biggest commodity in the game and yet misuse it. The ball is always in your court, you just gotta learn to serve it right and perfect. Be aware of your emotions and deal with them in your own time. Learn to THINK before you speak. Also, know that Karma is never shy.

If you plan to get into this kinda relationship. Know your place. Know your worth. Never be you at all times. Learn to manipulate your feelings, never assume. Play the game, not the rules (guidelines) and don't get caught up. Basically, be a man in a dress with killer body and mind and you have bagged it. If you can pull that off, your the biggest player in the game.

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