Friday, March 25, 2011

The Open Letter,

This is an open letter to the parents we've never known but have met.Hope this letter restores lost relationships with the loved ones we've lost.

Dear Daddy, this year marks 20 years with out you. I'm a grown 22 year old woman (prefer chick) and it hurts not having a father around. I wanted a father who will give my boyfriends and guy friends a hard time. Threaten to kill and beat kids in my neighbourhood and be that man I look up too. There are some father daughter moments we could have shared. Moments that I could've hoped to pass on to my son.

I've been around you for 2 years after that, fate happened. I'd give my future riches to have you and mon for 24 hours! So much has been said about you. Some good and some bad. Some unbeleivable to a point were I'm happy to have never known you. I feel ashemed and sad to realise one day I would have idolised you. I'm grown, I understand your actions had escalated to a point you had no control over. I hope you learned, acknowledged your behaviour and have peace.

I wanted to get married, once upon a time. My father walking me to the other important man in my life. A father who would smile everytime he was called 'Ntatemogolo'. Me and my siblings would have really loved that. Your gone know, its been a while and too long. Yet your memories and priciples are not in vain. Robala ka Kgotso, o tla gopolwa, tlhompiwa le ratiwa, Modibane.

To my mom, to the best 7 years you've given me cannot be forgotten. I look at me today and hope to be a quater of what u are. You made sacrifises no woman should regret. With that you've and raised kids who live to restore that and beyond. Your days with me on earth were short and I thank the Lord for some of memories I hold. I remember the day you left us. I knew what was goin on yet no one wanted to tell me yet. The day before, Dineo and I prayed for your last supper. I asked you to atleast eat something and you said; "No". I think you knew it was time. I prayed it wasn't.

After your funeral when all were heading for the service, at home. I looked back to see you wave back, you didn't. A seven year old died with you that day. Yet your face in a coffin was all I could see.

I pray one day we will meet and talk. I have a million things to ask you. I want to cry, laugh and hold hands with you. Simple things that would make this void go away. I want you back, I want those stolen years back. I want those stolen momemts, arguments, punishments and unbreakable bonds back. NOTHING in the world can replece nor prepare you to deal with loss.

Your gone now, its been 15 years and still counting. I love you from the day you gave birth to me, to the day you left me in flesh. I will continue to love you. For it is your love that bonds us, your kids. We thank u and dad for that. We are a family regardless where we are, what we do and who we have become. We are a unit of love and forever will be. Happy Birthday, Love Pantso! ;)

*Tshire, I know that your dad loves n misses you too*

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