Monday, January 18, 2010


I just realised what i asked God 2years ago just happened. I asked him to be loved and to love in-return, i did and i enjoyed it. But one thing i forgot to ask or to include in my prayer was the kind of person i wanted. I asked for a kind, loving and funny guy, thats all right? WRONG!!!

He wasn't a Mens health cover dude but he was all a woman would love to have. (basically he had his flows n thats what made him human, what made him a "problem" was his lack of interest in my life and other stuff) *don't know how long it took me to see that*

He did swip me off my feet and i loved every minute, hour, day, month and a year i had with him. I fell inlove with him, he fell inlove with me ( i was the commercial gf {girlfriend}) and most of his boys new about me and i knew them. It was like getting high with your Dr and it was worth the bill.

I tured into a 98% sister and i got cutt off for 2%... According to him and his paranoid mind i cheated with whom, where when? is all a mystery... I have been accused of a crime, my excuse to this cop sounds like an alibi me n my gradmother sat down fot 5hours plotting. I am innocent till said otherwise.

But this is just the beginning to a healing chapter in my life. We fall in, live in and then fall out. Falling out is always the hard part that looks& feels like a lifetime to get-over some1... For me this will mark the last chapter in dating, PERIOD!. Im going to be a nun. Why? I dont know but im sure there will be a reason.


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