Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Leap

Have you ever felt that you're a walking disaster no matter how great your good intentions are? Like your the other partner behind your partners success and not credited.? Or the unsung hero who saved millions of lives but only has a scar to tell his/ her story.? I'm that person too.

There's a saying "behind a great man, there's a great woman rolling her eyes at him". Ok, maybe I've changed it a bit but there's some relevance. You are that employee whose name is not named on the JSE even though you internally saved the day! You are the bus/ truck driver who has zero accidents who is hoping for just an increase and not the promotion. You are the genius behind twitter or whatever who is not known. Your the bloke that found the cure but a pharmaceutical company gets all the glory and the google hits.

The seclusion could be encouraged because of two things! 1) you really don't care or 2) your just a number, easily disposed at any time. My theory is your a number that does care and knowing of your disposal. Its ok, your a number to some but not to all. That GREAT idea you have on the pipelines, its time to use it, to your advantage. Its time you had the wikipedia page about your life. Its time you get what's rightfully yours. Its time people look at you as a human that you are and not a number.

Don't be the bitter, half-drunk, rolling eye wife, be the top one success story. The greatest of your lifetime. You may get there in 24 hours or 24 months or whatever, but its success nonetheless. We are our own soldiers of our success stories, architects of our own freedom and life-guards of our survival. Take that giant leap, it could be the best thing you ever done for yourself.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mr Steal Your Heart

I think we can all agree to say that there’s some kind of shortage of male R&B singers around the world. I mean those romantic guys who songs fill your heart with love, sing about things they want to do to you, legal and illegal.

The men who believe in love regardless of the price of petrol. Guys who want to scream from the highest building and about how madly and silly in love they are. Those guys are still alive and no, not on Eddie Zondi's playlist but even on our shores.

R&B has said to be one of the most honest genres in the world, true. We've all sang along to the cheesiest songs but still account to them as greatest hits. Come and gone those artist, paved way for artist like Trey Songs. Yes he may not be as cheesy as The Temptation but in the modern world, he is our sunshine on a cloudy day and when its cold outside, you sing along to Tremaine.

Known for his signature, sultry voice, Tremaine Neverson aka Trey Songz has had the typical career breakthrough. Born in Petersburg, Virginia, with no hopes of being a world renowned singer, actor, songwriter and producer, he and many have changed the modern day R&B. He had no idea he would plucked on some teenagers wall or finding himself on the Billboard charts.

First album didn’t reach targets that one would hope for. Never mind the collaborations with chart-toppers like Yong Joc, Marcus Houston, Twista at the time, the album didn’t reach its maximum potential with the crowd. Trey didn’t give up, it was his second studio album, "Trey Day" that got the industry's attention.

His album, included hits like "Can’t help but Wait", "Last Time" and "Wonder Woman" and that was just the beginning of somewhat the new generation of R&B. Trey's following work included other collaborations with Gucci Mane, Fabulous, Toni Braxton, Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, Drake, Lil' Wayne and many others, which his or others projects. Although he's a man of soul, he still recorded and released mixtape, rapping.

Yes, he is nothing like The Ojay's, The Jackson Five, R Kelly or Mr. Stevie Wonder but Treys mesmerizing voice, songwriting skills and delivery to all of his work is just beyond. His good looks and those amazing lips and breathe taking eyes make "Mr Steal Yo Girl" the perfect ending to any night, dance-floor, bedroom or fantasy.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

When the goin gets addictive

"Drugs are bad, hhmmkay" ... With so much pressure we live in, do we really blame addicts? How do you cope with a great loss? How do you deal with change or even better, How do you deal with the fact that your husband is a cross dresser?

Our lives are so fast paced that we take pills for everything! Headaches, pains, food, stress, metabolism regulation, hair loss, "penis malfunctions", itchy vaginas etc! Why are surprised when human beings become depended on them? Even pills that are suppose to help you with your addiction can end up being your next drug!

When great artists like Tsakani Mahinga aka TK and Amy Winehouse pass away from such events, people don't know how to react! We tweet mean things, say hurtful things and act perfect forgetting a human being has lost their lives and couldn't cope with her/his demons. People who take drugs, well most of them are running away from something, something only them can see and face. When its your time to face your music, its hard to get a dancing partner of the same rhythm.

I'm not saying take drugs because you see demons or you can't cope with your neighbours dog! All I'm saying don't be so quick to judge! You don't know my problems and their roots and you won't understand. Pointing fingers and naming names does nothing to a lost, troubled and hurt soul! It needs love and care! You don't give a blind man a calculator for his birthday or a plasma TV! You give him things that matter to and for him! Put yourself in others shoes before you run your mouth.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Finding X!!

I've always said to myself I will never be involved in politics but life can be political so as music and more. So my post (below) reflects how I really feel (sometimes) so here is my next view.

Many South Africans went out to cast their votes (on the 18th May, 2011) for a better and stable life. The sceptical and hopeful went out too, while, we, the non believers and the less interested, decided to sleep in and vegetate in our homes. The many that did vote made us feel guilty for not participating in any form. My question is, isn’t it a democratic right NOT vote? Well, the many I know feel the same and we decided to practise that right.

I asked @ntuli why she didn’t vote and she said “I just didn’t want to, no matter how much my voice counts”. Mathlogonolo aka Dirty Mula, felt that “if there was another party that spoke to him and DELIVERED what's promises, I’d be voting”. While me on the other hand, feel the same as Dirty Mula and @ntuli, only that my views are a bit abroad.

The ANC, promises and promises but when it comes to election day, they buy votes. They make and present speeches you’d swear Barak Obama wrote, rally in places you never heard of, promise things our parents are still waiting for. I understand, acknowledge and grateful for what the party has done for black people during apartheid. We are not in that era anymore and just because I’m black it doesn’t mean I'd have to vote for them. Even though its Youth leader is a complete joke in my eyes, I still feel like Juju needs to grow up, but not on my watch and my vote.

The DA, is the old Charlie’s Angels of three shades. I’m happy for the affirmative action but I still feel, Helen and company have a lot to DO and CORRECT before they want to be kissed on the butt for what they did. What she, Helen, has done is nothing compared to the ANC, IFP, AZAPO nor the PAC but doesn’t make her a better candidate to get my vote and my voice. So, sorry Gogo Helen, as soon as you have dealt with the garbage in Western Cape and other things that the ANC fails to do, I might just take you seriously.

Then there’s IFP. 1st of all I’m Pedi living in Johannesburg and originally from Rustenburg. I don’t see how such a tribal party would deal with my issues on both provinces I reside. The problems in the IFP camp are gradually showing the characteristics of COPE. If the IFP stops seeing itself as a tribal party, then maybe I’d play Tuks during their rallys and support their mandate. Its leader has been president for decades now and i still don’t know what his strategies are.

Dear COPE, I don’t know if I should cry or laugh. The party seemed as great idea at the time. This was the party that was supposed to outsmart all parties. COPE was supposed to be the iPhone compared to Nokia, Samsung and Motorola. The sad thing is that its internal problems became public knowledge. This Mickey Mouse party made Cartoon Network look like it lacked content. It’s disappointing to find grown ass men fighting for the presidential chair like two homeless guys fighting over glue.

As much as we point the finger as non voters, we also blame the media for only providing us with these “big party’s”. I bet there are some proper parties making a change but not given the airtime to showcase their worth. So now do we blame me or millions of others who felt it was better to watch repeats of programmes than to vote for the next tenderprenuer?

All we hear is corruption, missing millions, law suits, court cases, racism, black, white, Indian, coloured blah blah blah ... We are bombarded with such negativity that its draining to vote for a better life! Yes we do want change and it begins with us but who do we REALLY trust to deliver that for us? And why?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Lets Point Fingers

Getting married lately seems like looking for a good looking taxi driver with great driving skills. Even better, a clean, smart,handsome taxi driver. It seems unlikely and unreal but if your lucky you might find him/ her. As human beings we want it all, the money, career, perfect partner and eternal happiness. We simply identify that as "THE GOAL". All of those can be achieved or granted but then what?

We've heard of the term sugar daddy's. The rich, powerful, influential, whisky drinking, skirt chasing old men who are young blood thirsty! They sound like fat vampires who trap their prey with money. These men prey on the weakness of young girls have and "provide" which seems like a "mutual agreement". We are so quick to judge these men call them by names! Sugadaddy, Papa Madlesa, Malome ATM, Ministers Of Finance etc. Society has drawn these men as disgusting pigs but I'd rather look at what triggers these men and their new found counter culture. They have made the trophy-young wife the latest gaming console and sex with them, the FIFA 11 game.

A relationship is a two way street, you give to get and get to give. The moment you marry someone, their needs come before yours and vice versa. And that's not a marriage fine print. Now the moment this system has a glitch and we don't report it, its time for certain virus' to attack your motherboard. In this case, the cheater virus would start to attack and fast. The void gets bigger and concisely he/her doesn't care. They do care enough to have meaningless sex with a 1st Year at tertiary and still kiss the wife goodnight. They care to book plane tickets to Mhlanga Rocks with the joint bank account with the wife. They care enough to store her numbers like a business mate. They care enough to make schedules surrounding the wife's whereabouts. And they care enough to sleep in her bed.

As the wife you feel robbed and humiliated when the relationship blows over. You did your part, you did your duties and still got the sour end of the deal. Maybe, just maybe if you didn't get too comfortable and forget his needs before your own he would have to order "take-aways". You didn't attend to him, someone did and he loved it. And I'm pretty sure, her numbers are still in his fone. As a wife, you chose to run with 20yr olds! You can't look young forever but I bet you can try! I don't think silicone boobs look good on a 90 year old! #justsaying

So who is to blame for this hot mess? Do we blame the man ordering take aways? Do we blame the wife for buying shoes instead of his partners attention? Do we blame the big guy who thinks with his lil' head? Or do we blame nobody at all? Its pretty simple, no man goes borrowing sugar if he has sugar diabetes! No man hires a limo to go chesanyama? No man would go to a brothel for a hug! Simply because no man leaves a good thing when he has it at home! Be that good someone for someone!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mind Over Heart

"Karma is a bitch", the phrase we hear and use all the time when things go wrong. What we don't realise, Karma teaches you something, not to be repeated. What I've learned from Karma, trending topics can influence people to engage and inspire one another. If your lucky enough, they can help you have a relationship women claim to be "ok" with it.

Sex with no strings attached is mastered by women who can cheat and be in content with it. They know its wrong and they know what's coming for them. We all know how we (women) think we can conquer the world. And yes, we can. But what we cant do, is suppress our feelings for too long. (Your welcome to try).

Having a no strings relationship can be the best thing ever and the worst thing too. For women, it can be both. As much as its a relationship, certain guideline are in place to allow it to run smoothly. You know deep down your a booty call, so when you do get that 3am phone call, don't ask him "What do you want?" He will not send you a good night sms or call to check on how your dad is doing? No, its not a relationship, its an ass-relationship. The purpose of it is to make both parties feel good and be.

So how come this great idea always fails? Two things, women behaving like women and feelings. One can be avoided (depending on ur partner in crime) and one is inevitable. Feelings play a HUGE role and in an instance become the down fall of the relationship. Sometimes they build enough trust to know that good partners are out there. The sad thing is being a woman, you will have those 'I like him' moments. Best thing is to remind yourself what was the initial part of this contract.

Sex for women is emotional and we can and cannot separate the two. The reason we get caught up is because we want to believe our cookie is so good he will eventually want to keep it. We live the present in the future and assuming that's what's gonna happen eventually! Men are not good at reading women's minds and they will never be. That's why we get hurt. Mad at him for not calling you on your birthday. Letting you know he just got engaged. Or, tell you he wants to end it, in a civil manner.

As soon as the words 'its over' hit your emotional mind. You feel betrayed, robbed, used and don't understand WHY??? Its easy, your contract will not be renewed. Have a shed of decency and leave. Be civil, don't be a lunatic and call him to ask him why? Your time has been served, your free. As women we fail to understand why the man I love wants to leave me. Its because, you never told him.

What you can learn is that some man care and some just don't give a rats ass. If their 'happy' that's the end of the road. We (women) hold the biggest commodity in the game and yet misuse it. The ball is always in your court, you just gotta learn to serve it right and perfect. Be aware of your emotions and deal with them in your own time. Learn to THINK before you speak. Also, know that Karma is never shy.

If you plan to get into this kinda relationship. Know your place. Know your worth. Never be you at all times. Learn to manipulate your feelings, never assume. Play the game, not the rules (guidelines) and don't get caught up. Basically, be a man in a dress with killer body and mind and you have bagged it. If you can pull that off, your the biggest player in the game.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Open Letter,

This is an open letter to the parents we've never known but have met.Hope this letter restores lost relationships with the loved ones we've lost.

Dear Daddy, this year marks 20 years with out you. I'm a grown 22 year old woman (prefer chick) and it hurts not having a father around. I wanted a father who will give my boyfriends and guy friends a hard time. Threaten to kill and beat kids in my neighbourhood and be that man I look up too. There are some father daughter moments we could have shared. Moments that I could've hoped to pass on to my son.

I've been around you for 2 years after that, fate happened. I'd give my future riches to have you and mon for 24 hours! So much has been said about you. Some good and some bad. Some unbeleivable to a point were I'm happy to have never known you. I feel ashemed and sad to realise one day I would have idolised you. I'm grown, I understand your actions had escalated to a point you had no control over. I hope you learned, acknowledged your behaviour and have peace.

I wanted to get married, once upon a time. My father walking me to the other important man in my life. A father who would smile everytime he was called 'Ntatemogolo'. Me and my siblings would have really loved that. Your gone know, its been a while and too long. Yet your memories and priciples are not in vain. Robala ka Kgotso, o tla gopolwa, tlhompiwa le ratiwa, Modibane.

To my mom, to the best 7 years you've given me cannot be forgotten. I look at me today and hope to be a quater of what u are. You made sacrifises no woman should regret. With that you've and raised kids who live to restore that and beyond. Your days with me on earth were short and I thank the Lord for some of memories I hold. I remember the day you left us. I knew what was goin on yet no one wanted to tell me yet. The day before, Dineo and I prayed for your last supper. I asked you to atleast eat something and you said; "No". I think you knew it was time. I prayed it wasn't.

After your funeral when all were heading for the service, at home. I looked back to see you wave back, you didn't. A seven year old died with you that day. Yet your face in a coffin was all I could see.

I pray one day we will meet and talk. I have a million things to ask you. I want to cry, laugh and hold hands with you. Simple things that would make this void go away. I want you back, I want those stolen years back. I want those stolen momemts, arguments, punishments and unbreakable bonds back. NOTHING in the world can replece nor prepare you to deal with loss.

Your gone now, its been 15 years and still counting. I love you from the day you gave birth to me, to the day you left me in flesh. I will continue to love you. For it is your love that bonds us, your kids. We thank u and dad for that. We are a family regardless where we are, what we do and who we have become. We are a unit of love and forever will be. Happy Birthday, Love Pantso! ;)

*Tshire, I know that your dad loves n misses you too*

Sunday, March 13, 2011

F.A.M.E Killed Talent

Chris Brown was 16 and so was I, and I knew I found my Michael Jackson of the 21st century to grow old with. From his 2005 self titled debut album to ‘Exclusive’, which I think was his best work thus far. Followed by ‘Graffiti’, this album carried so much emotional weight and drama. The album was released after his assault charges against his girlfriend. Certain stores refused to sell it to the market and that wasn’t fair to him and fans.

It’s been 6 years since Chris Brown broke into our radios and TV to entertain us on and off the music scene. He has also made a name for himself to star and feature on the big screen. It’s a trend most artist have fallen for and some a good and some a better off doing music.

With four albums under ones belt, comes change. Change can be influenced and badly carried into ones work. F.A.M.E is Chris’ recent work and his badly done thus far. F.A.M.E is a combination of tracks he did on other projects and songs he was fooling around with. This really feels like a pressured project with less creative management. How does your management let you release this? The album is a combination of Chris’ last mixtapes and the music trending topic, Europop. The album feels so rushed that the song with teenage sensation Justin Bieber sounds ok, for a leaked track.

The album’s first single ‘Yeah x3’ came with its own controversy. It is rumoured to believe that Chris stole or sampled Calvin Harris’ beat. We’ve been dancing along to sampled music for a while now, some really don’t care. Followed by a song which I believe must have Soulja Boi’s filthy hands on it. “Look at me now” is the second single taken off the album and need I say it sounds ridiculous. His attempt to sample a Michael Jackson beat also sampled by SWV for ‘Right Here’ is appalling. ‘She Ain't you’ is the victim of badly produced sample. Maybe it was a great idea until delivery.

F.A.M.E is obviously influenced by Europe pop. It’s really safe to say we have lost the melodic and soulful Chris. Since some genius out there told Chris he sounds AMAZING as a rapper, this fool doesn’t know when to utilise his new “skills”. Chris’ rapping skills haven’t really sustained an album status, maybe for another co-joint mixtape. His choice in lyrics are close to whack and have to be seriously carved, he could hurt himself.

This album should have been scheduled for release maybe in December or early next year. We understand it takes time to perfect songs; maybe it’s what he needed. The reason this album will fail will be because of the pressure, lack of planning and lack of focus. I will compare him to his ex. Rihanna transcended from dark pop with ‘Rated R’ and moved to Europop with ‘Loud’. With her, it’s allowed of her to keep on changing because she can’t sing. Chris on the other hand has been the young soul in music and amazing with ballads. His writing skills are undoubltly phenomenon. Now with this atrocious work, he has jumped onto the band-wagon and horribly failed at it.

All artists have their low career moments. Let’s hope this will impact an “ah-ha” moment for Chris. Of cause the album is not all bad from start to finish. Tracks that are worth wasting your money on are, ‘All Back’, ‘Beg For it’, ‘Paper, Scissors, Rock’ ft. Timbaland n Big Sean and ‘Wet The Bed’ Ft. Ludacris. Yes, it will not be a great album without great collaborations, debatable production and less controversy, after all what’s fame without controversy?